- De: 21-04-2015
- Para: 24-04-2015
- Gran Via Exhibition Centre
- Avinguda de Joan Carles I, 64
- 08908 Barcelona
- Spain
Committed to packaging
Packaging is about impact and innovation, about creating standout products that help to add value. At Hispack we share the sector's aspirations and reflect them in our mission and actions.
In 2015 we'll be seeing a revamped Hispack, where the key themes will be innovation and commitment to our clients to guarantee a unique experience based on packing, packaging and PoS.
Packaging Development, Packaging Engineering...
At Hispack you'll find:
- A comprehensive offering encompassing the entire packaging value chain, from design through to recycling.
- Equipment and processes to make your speed-to-market more efficient: prototyping, moulds, short-run production modes, etc.
- Examples of the successful implementation of new trends and materials: sustainable packaging, smart packaging, convenient packaging, accessible packaging, edible packaging, anti-counterfeiting solutions and customization in packaging.
- Premium Packaging, a new specialist area featuring the latest new high-end packaging products.
- Training sessions that bring together technical and marketing experts.
- The Liderpack Awards, the show's recognition of the innovative efforts made by companies.
Purchasing Area
Purchasing managers, supply chain, operations.At Hispack you'll find:
- Technology and process optimization to cut costs and minimize risks.
- Integral processes, ICT solutions for tracking and traceability of the whole packaging chain.
- Anti-counterfeiting solutions.
- Solutions for improving speed-to-market and its costs.
- New materials and solutions for innovating and differentiating your product effectively.
- Best practices in the implementation of processes and intralogistics.
Marketing & Business Area
Marketing managers, business development managers, category/brand managers, product managers, trade marketing, agencies and specialist consultants in the packaging sectorAt Hispack you'll find:
- Examples of the successful implementation of new trends and materials: sustainable packaging, smart packaging, convenient packaging, accessible packaging, edible packaging, anti-counterfeiting solutions and customization in packaging.
- Premium Packaging, a new specialist area featuring the latest new high-end packaging products.
- The most innovative point-of-sale solutions.
- Training sessions that bring together technical and marketing experts.
- The Liderpack Awards, the show's recognition of the innovative efforts made by companies.
Production/Manufacturing Area
Technical managers, plant managers, production managers, etc.At Hispack you'll find:
- The latest innovations in machinery.
- High-tech solutions for tracking and traceability of the whole packaging chain.
- Process management.
- Robotics, the Internet of Things.
- Short-run production models.